Today The Learning Shop had the honour of hosting several young individuals who are a part of ThinkForward’s DFN-MoveForward Programme. They participated in our Spirit of Bluewater Tour lead by our Centre Manager, Ben, where they were able to learn about the history of Bluewater, discover the hidden features and architecture and received insight into Bluewater's core values. They were also informed of Bluewater's customer-focused malls, allowing them to understand how marketing and layout both entices and is aimed towards specific demographics.

After the tour Ben delivered a First Impressions Workshop, allowing the opportunity to highlight the importance of first impressions both out of and within the workplace. Student Lejaune summarised the workshop; “We discussed how we come to making a first impression and how it takes between 0.8 of a second to 10 seconds to judge someone. We then did an activity where we had a few seconds to each look at a picture of someone random and then decide how old they were, whether they were male of female and then whether we would want to meet them. We learnt that we all can make quick decisions on people, and it is important to know how to overcome this in retail to be able to give good customer service.”

Upon reflection of their time participating in our Spirit of Bluewater Tour and Impressions Workshop, Lejaune went on to say, “it was good to visit and learn more and we had a good day, and we have lots to think about. Things we learnt will help us in future so that we can be more ready for getting jobs and working with all different kinds of people.”
It was a pleasure to support ThinkForward and we look forward to supporting more learners in the future.
To find out more about our Spirit of Bluewater Tour and other training services we provide, please click here